Devoted to the Interests and Entertainment of its Readers
Printing in Prisons
Designed in Memory of Incarcerated Printers & Typesetters
Established 2023
Local Squibs
- Author:
- Editor: B2331
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 2
- Page Number: 3
- Date: March 26 1913
- Tags:
- gossip
- baseball
Wednesday, March 26, 1913.
Spring ! Have you cleaned house yet ? 4768 and 4769 joined the big league.
We notice the grass plots taking on a refreshing tint.
Quite a large audience attended the band concert Monday afternoon.
Many of the inmates received Easter flowers—it is needless to say how much they are appreciated.
Much activity is being displayed now- a-days. The ball-team managers are on the job, getting the players in shape.
The usual orchestral concert was given on the Second Block last Saturday even- ing.
By the time this week’s paper is on the press, the schedules will have been distributed.
The ‘‘Rabbi’’, last year’s port side flin-, ger of the Plasterers, is to handle an in- | dicator this year. Want to get rid of the | rest of your friends so you won’t have to give them any tobacco, eh ‘‘Rabbi ?”’
We have received information that “‘Bob,’’ one time star of the old cham- | pionship Stocking Shed team of 1911, will try to come back this year asa mem- ber of the Cubs. Good luck, “Bob”’, we are sure you can do it.
We hear from a reliable source, that a bill is to be introduced in the present Legislature, allowing the inmates of penal institutions to play ball five days a week, and to work a half day on Satur- day. . We understand that some of the progressive members are not in favor of the bill.
“‘Ducky,”” on behalf of the Stocking Shed, has entered a protest to this year’s schedule; claiming the Shed has been discriminated against. He shows by the schedule, that the Shed on Decoration Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day, are away from home. Yes, ‘‘Ducky,”’ and I am afraid that on Thanksgiving and Christmas you will be away from
home, too.
“So you've written a poem and are going to
submit it to the “UMPIRE?” No. 0130: <«Yep; I'm hoping the Warden will see it and
throw me out!”
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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726