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Established 2023
A Few Local Squibs
- Author:
- Editor: B2331
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 2
- Page Number: 4
- Date: April 16 1913
- Tags:
- gossip
- event
- ESP League
- baseball
If knowledge is power, Overseer Joe
'Smith and John Myers, are powerful.
Their knowledge of baseball, and their discussions on the fine points of the game, are both interesting and enter-
' taining.
April showers bring May flowers, but
'they also bring gloomy expressions to
most of the baseball enthusiasts around these parts.
The new Quartette made their initial bow, on the Sixth Block last Saturday evening, and they sure did make good, and then some.
The Rabbi refused an offer to umpire in the Southern League, when his con- tract runs out here. He seems to be afraid of the lynch law, in some of the Southern' States.
The Plasterers played ¢‘That Mysteri- ous Band’’ on Thursday, and the Band - played “‘I’m Afraid to go home in the dark.”’ The day before the Ninth made the Cubs, ‘“Go way back and sit down,’”” While the Library showed the ““A hot time in the old town to-night.”’
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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726