Devoted to the Interests and Entertainment of its Readers
Printing in Prisons
Designed in Memory of Incarcerated Printers & Typesetters
Established 2023
No Title
- Author:
- Editor: B2331
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 2
- Page Number: 2
- Date: April 30 1913
- Tags:
- baseball
- advice
- gossip
- proverbs
Crumbs of comfort don’t always mat- erialize by casting our bread down the pot.
Some of the stories told the Chaplain are pretty hard to swallow, and the truth may not be palatable either --but better.
They say the saloon is the poor man’s club - - yes, and if you are a steady mem- ber, you become connected with the policeman’s club.
A great many fellows here, complain of always having the blues, when in a great many cases, it’s only a streak of yellow.
Itis a well known fact that the Ninth has very few, if any rooters ; the players of the Ninth claim they know of none. But in this, they are mistaken. After the game on Friday, one of the happiest men in the institution was Joe Pot. He wore a smile on his face a mile wide, and we thought at first the parole law had passed. Upon asking Joe the cause of his joyfulness, all he couldsay was ‘‘six to two favor the Ninth.”” We were grati- fied to learn that Joe is for the Ninth, regardless of the fact that he rooms with the manager of the Plasterers’.
Harry, the Plasterers’ catcher, wishes it known, that he did not say the rule of catching the third strike was made for the benefit of the 9th Block, but
did say that the managers did not recieve || word from the President, that catchers||
must catch the third strike this
should make this rule, until the
him withouta hole in the end of it.
‘“ Go to it Timmie ; you had better get || some kind of a rule that will enable you || to reach first base ; as yourself and I are|| about even when it comes to batting, and | I can assure you I wish you the best of !
success. ’’
year. || Harry did not see why one manager | game || between the 9th and Plasterers. Timmie, | § who showed such a remarkable improve- | | ment in his batting in this game, that the|| Warden is going to have abat made for ||
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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726