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Established 2023
A Friendly Sort O'Way
- Author: Selected
- Editor: B-6591
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 2
- Page Number:
- Date: 6 25 1913
- Tags:
- poetry
- advice
A FRIENDLY SORT O'? WAY When a man ain't got a cent, an' he's feelin' kind of blue, An' the clouds hang dark and heavy, won t let the sunshine through. It's a grand thing my brethern, for a fellow just to lay His hand upon your shoulder in a friendly sort 0' way. It makes a man feel curious: It makes the teardrops start, An' you sort o' fee la flutter in the region 0" your heart. You can't look up and meet his eyes: don't know what to say When his hand is on your shoulder in a friendly sort o' way Oh the world's a curious compound with its honey and its gall, With its cares and bitter crosses; but a good world after all. An' a good God must have made it—least ways that's what I say : When a hand rests on your shoulder in a friendly sort o way. —Selected.

- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | Terms of Use
- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726