Devoted to the Interests and Entertainment of its Readers
Printing in Prisons
Designed in Memory of Incarcerated Printers & Typesetters
Established 2023
A Secret
- Author: B-6763
- Editor: B-6591
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 2
- Page Number:
- Date: 10 8 1913
- Tags:
- poetry
- prison
WITH THE POETS A SECRET You talk about your engine rooms, And power plants so great; Just pay a visit to Mackentieville, You'll find them up to date. The chief there knows his business; And you'll find it in a trice; That he knows how to make kilowatts, And manufacture ice. I know you'll talk steam-heating; That too is in his line. In looking over the system, You will find it up to time. Just take a look in the boiler-room, You'll find there, no grimy hole; But there you'll find the boys in blue, A shoveling in the coal. You may talk about cheap firing, And take data from your log; But the boys in there that push the scoop, Can surely make the fog. You may say that I am boasting, And no doubt that's what you'll do; But ask the Chief to show you, A high-pressure chart or two. Just stay around till supper, And the secret then you'll learn, You can talk about your swell hotels, Why you'll see roast-beef to burn. And if perchance on Sunday, Of course you'll understand, The way they issue pot-pie,— A cubic foot per man ! That is why they're husky chaps, And can make the wheels go round; They know the biz from a to z, And from the roof right to the ground. Now this is all I have to say, And I think you'll say the same; That the boys up at Mackentieville, They surely know the game. — B 6763
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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726