Devoted to the Interests and Entertainment of its Readers
Printing in Prisons
Designed in Memory of Incarcerated Printers & Typesetters
Established 2023
Said To Be Funny
- Author: Unknown
- Editor: B-6591
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 2
- Page Number:
- Date: 10 8 1913
- Tags:
- joke
- inside joke
SAID TO BE FUNNY Let us be thankful for occasional visits from the man who sees the funny side of things. "I feel very sorry for you, prisoner at the bar, and have no feeling of anger toward you, but I must sentence you to prison for the term of 42 years," said the humane judge. "Gee," remarked the prisoner, ‘‘I sure am glad you ain't mad at me." "Figures don't lie,' said Blink. "Yes, but liars do figger,'' answered Ducky. B 6677 says that when he was a grocer's clerk a young married woman entered the store and complained that the flour which he sold her was "‘tough." "Tough, what do you mean?" he asked. "Why," she said, "I made a pie out of some of it, and it was so tough my husband couldn't eat it.""George Washington was born February 22, A. D., 1732; now what does A. D. stand for?" asked Mr. Bonsall. "I know teecheer,'' cried Yiddisha Sam. "It means after dark."A pretty good fellow sends in the following, which is evidently "‘said to be funny," but we will be switched if we can see it : Some hat Jim, some hat ! Some ring, Pappy, some ring ! ! Jingles sends in the following funny one : Oct. 1, 1918. To the Editor of THE UMPIRE. Sir :—I believe that you are broadminded and sufficiently versed in the intricate study of the human brain, to understand that continual nagging at one person, is apt to change good nature into animosity. However, do not misconstrue my meaning. I am still in good humor, but I have not as yet read this week's issue of your valued paper; have only been informed of its contents. Some weeks ago I kindly requested that you refrain from using my name in a spirit of ridicule, and you have only doubled your efforts to use me for a good joke in your columns. I believe I am as good a "‘sport'' as the next, but I am sure I am not going to be the butt of every Tom, Dick and Harry, in here, simply because it affords amusement to some. I again ask you to kindly stop these references to my person, and I am sincere in making this statement. Respectfully, (Jingles) —B 6388.
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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726