Devoted to the Interests and Entertainment of its Readers
Printing in Prisons
Designed in Memory of Incarcerated Printers & Typesetters
Established 2023
- Author: Unknown
- Editor: B-2331
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 2
- Page Number:
- Date: 4 16 1913
- Tags:
- joke
RIDDLESIf a bee could stand on its hind legs what blessing would it invoke ?A bee-attitude. ------"What do you expect at a hotel ? Inn-attention.What is the difference between a guest at a Christmas party and a cannibal ?One enjoys himself, and the other enjoys other people.------If a biscuit is a soda cracker, what isan ice pick?A water cracker.Why is a hotel waiter like a race horse? Because he runs for the plate.------Why is a watch like a river?Because it doesn't run long without winding
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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726