Devoted to the Interests and Entertainment of its Readers
Printing in Prisons
Designed in Memory of Incarcerated Printers & Typesetters
Established 2023
- Author: Unknown
- Editor: B-6591
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 2
- Page Number:
- Date: 12 10 1913
- Tags:
- classifieds
Do your Christmas Shopping Early and Often. FOR SALE—Xmas Post Cards in oils, watercolors land tinsel. Also paintings and crayons of beautiful subjects to order. B 5384 Fourth Block. FOR SALE—Fancy toothpicks, 25 cents each or will close out entire stock of 100 for $14.00 B 3925, Sixth Block. FOR SALE—Beautiful inlaid boxes with pear! decorations; all sizes, for all purposes. Will sell to inmates at $1.00 to $3.00, according to size. B 5649, Seventh Block. FOR SALE—Christmas and New Year Cards, last call. Men who want cards should send for Jingles, 8th Block, at once. FOR SALE—Shults' vest pocket Higher Mathematics. Price 25 cents. B 4545 Fifth Block. FOR SALE—Handsomely designed tidies and shawls. B 6148, Sixth Gallery FOR SALE—Tidies and Shawls. B 6295, Eighth Block. FOR SALE—Handsome tidies, shawls, bedspreads, centerpieces, paintings on linen. All done by hand. Prices range from $1.50 upward. B 5323, Ninth Block. FOR SALE—Ball tidies, shawls and scarfs. Made to order, any colors. B 6040 Eighth Block. FOR Sale Inlaid frames, different sizes: jewel boxes, walking canes, etc. Will sell to inmates reasonable. B 4765, 12th. Block. FOR SALE—A beautiful Xmas gift for Mother The Lord's Prayer, done in black and gold, with handsome scroll border, and framed in either mission or gilt moulding. Prices from $1.50 to $10. according to size. Jingles, Eighth block. (Always on the job) FOR SALE—Fancy toothpicks, button-hooks, butter knives, also will repair Phonographs. Locks and keys for sale. Prices reasonable B 5826, Ninth Block FOR SALE Carpenters chest of tools, complete. B 5295, Sixth Gallery. FOR SALE—Canary birds, sweet singing male birds excellent female breeders, from $1.50 up. B 5532, Seventh Gallery.
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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726