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Our Efforts For Others
- Author: Unknown
- Editor: B-7413
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 5
- Page Number:
- Date: 2 2 1916
- Tags:
- advice
OUR EFFORTS FOR OTHERS Of the many who try to make this world a little brighter because they have passed through it, there are always some who become discouraged in their efforts to cheer and help others. Perhaps they may be tempted to think or say, "Well, what's the use?" Their best efforts seem to be unavailing, or to make but little impression.The trouble lies in the fact that they expect to see immediate results, which is one of the weaknesses of this age. Good works do not always bring their proper reward in the lifetime of the sower, and but few live to see the plans they make, come to full maturity. It is about the same with all our efforts. Each effort is like unto a seed; we may drop one here and another there, and so on. One may fall upon unfertile soil and fail to take root, while another, perhaps, where least expected, happens to fall on fertile soil and takes root quickly. We may not see the fruit of the one which has taken root any more than we can see the fulfillment of our plans, but the process goes on just the same. Some time ago, a prominent author wrote a book which proved to be quite a success. Among the characters was an old Senator, who counsels a young politician, with life in the perspective, who was impatient to see the results of his work. The Senator is made to say: "Ah, sonny, what would be the good of life if you didn't know you were leaving behind the things you've done? Now I tell you, son, we are just servants of the coming generation, that's all. They'll enjoy everything we've worked, thought, and suffered to provide for them, and then they'll work, think and suffer for the next generation, and there's no end." The words used by the old Senator, convey to us all the real meaning of immortality, The work we leave behind us, not as seen in actual results, but in the effort. The real effort is for us; while the results are for others. Of one thing we may rest assured; there never was a sincere effort made to accomplish a worthy object, that did not bear full fruit, at some time in the unfolding of the world's events.
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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726