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As A Man Thinketh
- Author: Unknown
- Editor: B-7413
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 5
- Page Number:
- Date: 3 8 1916
- Tags:
- advice
AS A MAN THINKETH You may not realize it, but the fact is that you are now engaged in creating your future. Every thought, every action you entertain or follow out, tends to become a part of your life. If one allows doubts, or fears, or hate to fill the mind, it builds itself into and becomes a apart of your character and in the end exhibits itself in your being. Unwholesome or negative thoughts, if entertained in the mind will finally build around themselves an atmosphere of general weakness and uncertainty. There is but one course to follow and be a winner, and that is to have faith in the future; the habit of praise of a good deed or act; to be of uplifting constructive thought, which will eventually develop a strong, clean and healthy mind, and an atmosphere of tranquility and power. It is an old saying that "you are no greater than the sum total of your habits and thoughts;" which may be readily. understood by those who are of observing mind. That which you think today and the day after, and so continue, will be entwined into your very life of tomorrow, and so on until the end. How clear it all seems after a little introspection. ‘Sow a thought and reap a habit." Likewise habit develops into character; and character will shape your Destiny.
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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726