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Concentrate Your Thoughts
- Author: Unknown
- Editor: B-7413
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 5
- Page Number:
- Date: 6 14 1916
- Tags:
- advice
CONCENTRATE YOUR THOUGHTSIt is a source of perplexity to many that their thoughts do not lead them to conclusive results in their efforts to suceeed—to accomplish results, and it is difficult to make them understand the necessity of thought concentration. But until thoughts are connected with a definite purpose there is a small chance of actual accomplishment.In many cases ones trend of thought is allowed to shit about promiscuously without anchorage. The shiftlessness of thought is an evil habit that should not be allowed to continue, for one who desires to avoid distraction of accomplishment. Those who have no specific purpose in their life become an easy prey to pretty fears, trouble, and self-pitying, which are sure indications of weakness of character, which will eventually lead to failure, loss and much unhappiness; for weakness of thought cannot continue in a power generating universe. Either we must advance—grow or become dwarfed and stunted. One ought to conceive of a decisive object in life, and strive continuously to accomplish it. What ever form this may take, whether spiritual or worldly, he should cling to his ideal and center his thoughts upon the object before him.This may require a supreme effort at times, but he should devote himself to its accomplishment, and not permit his thoughts to stray away into longings or vain imaginings to no purpose. By the road of self-control and true concentration of thought, and by that road only may one expect ever to reach the goal toward which we are all striving.B 4853.
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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726