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Established 2023
Take Your Own Measure
- Author: Unknown
- Editor: B-7413
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 5
- Page Number:
- Date: 11 8 1916
- Tags:
- advice
Much is heard nowadays about the fellow who israther smart at ‘‘measuring up’’ other folk, and prides himself on his ability to take the other fellow’s measure. But how about taking his own measure? It might prove more beneficial than measuring the other fellow.
For a try-out, take a look at yourself, as an up-to-date business manager would take a look at the man coming to get a job. Do you think you could measure up to the requirements?
Are you alert in picking wup ideas or the drift of a conversation when told to do some little job, or does your thoughts go flitting about on other things?
Are you progressive or satisfied to remain at a stand-still, satisfied with half doing things; and do you aim for the highest in all things?
Do you have a propensity to use too much slang and bad grammar, mixed with profanity?
Are you willing to make a genuire sacrifice for another, so you may feel the soul glow for doing a kind act?
Do you try to be patient with others who know less than yourself but are seeking opportunity to do better things? Are you in sympathy with the elderly or infirm and those in deep trouble?
Are you considerate of the rights of others and willing to abide your turns, and do you feel grateful for the small courtesies extended which money does not buy, and do you habitually returns thanks for the kindness shown you?
Make an effort to get a good grip on your own motives and conduct, and see if it does not help you to help others and prove a blessing to you as well.
You can safely take it for granted that other people are taking your measure and determining the calibre you size up to.
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | Terms of Use
- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726