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Established 2023
Make Yourself A Man
- Author: Ex
- Editor: B-7413
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 5
- Page Number:
- Date: 11 22 1916
- Tags:
- advice
When the boy Garfield was asked what he was going to be, he replied: ‘‘First of all, I must make myself a man; if I do not succeed in that, I can succeed in nothing.” The future President uttered wisdom worthy of any sage. Diogones’ lantern search is continued all over the world, and like him, the searchers must often say, ‘‘I called for men, not pygmies.” I would therefore remind all readers that the first requisite of all education and training should be man-timber.
If a young man starts out with the fixed determination that every statement he makes shall be the exact truth; that every promise he makes shall be redeemed to the letter; that every appointment shall be kept with the strictest faithfulness and with full regard for other men’s time; if he holds his reputation as apriceless treasure, feels that theeyes of the world are upon him, that he must not deviate a hair’s breath from the truth and right; if he takes such a stand at the outset, he will, like many of our great merchants of today, come to have almost unlimited credit and the confidence of all; and will develop into man-timber.
A sterling character will secure respect and make its influence felt though its possessor lacks culture, talent and property.—Ex.
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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726