Devoted to the Interests and Entertainment of its Readers
Printing in Prisons
Designed in Memory of Incarcerated Printers & Typesetters
Established 2023
The Umpire "Ad" Column
- Author: Unknown
- Editor: B-7413
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 5
- Page Number:
- Date: 11 29 1916
- Tags:
- classifieds
Notice for advertisements must come through your Overseer. Inmates who fail to notify THE UMPIRE office when advertised goods are sold will be denied future use of “Ad”’ column.
FOR SALE — Clothes-brushes, hair-brushes and shoe-brushes, with inlaid backs; 35¢ to $1.50. B 1381, 7th Block. (**)
TYPEWRITING done at reasonable rates. B 7386, 3rd Block. **
FOR SALE—Shawls and tidies made of Germantown wool, 4-fold $2.50 up; tidies 75c up. B 6343,2nd Gallery, 12th Block.
FOR SALE— Edison phonograph, in good condition, with 5 dozen 2 and 4 minute records. Price reasonable. B 6921, 5th Gallery.
POST-CARDS—The fancy cut kind, by B 7562, 6th Block; 5 for 25c. (46)
FOR SALE—Four razors at a very reasonable price. B 7623, 6th Gallery. (46)
FOR SALE—Plain or fancy paper boxes made to order, in large or small quantities. Quality and workmanship excellent. B 1000, Cr. UMPIRE.
FOR SALE—Ladies’ fine hand painted silkatine hand-bags in various colors; suitable for a present or Christmas gift. Prices reasonable. B 7647, 7th Block. (44)
FOR SALE—Crayon and cartoon paper, Cost $4.00 Pantograph, ruler and straight edge, $1.75; sell all for $3.00, B 7742 12th Block, 1st Gallery. (47)
FOR SALE—Singing canary, 2 brass cages, 3 breeding cages; 1 mandolin; selling out cheap. B 7040, 4th Block. (47)
FOR SALE—Fancy hand-bags, tidies; best Germantown wool; prices reasonable. B 7566, 5th Gallery. (47)
LOST—A canary bird. If found please return to B 7451, 7th Block. (47)
FOR SALE—Toy ducks; inlaid boxes, and mission furniture to order; first-class work. B 7784, 5th Gallery. (47)
FOR SALE—Well-made inlaid boxes; also guitar and mandolin. B 6523, 7th Block.
FOR SALE—Very reasonable, necktie machine, 60 neckties; also 3 trays, 3 checker- boards. B 6697, 3rd Block. (48)
FOR SALE——First class condition, cornet, guitar, and 3 scarfs. Cheap. B 5983, 6th Gallery. (48)
FOR SALE—Inlaid pin-cushions, 25 to 50c apiece. B 6294, 1st Block. (49)
FOR SALE—Alarm clock; practically new. Will sell cheap. B 7940, 6th Block. (49)
FOR SALE—AIl kinds of inlay work at 5c a foot; also inlaid serving-trays. Otto, B 7698, 7th Gallery. (49)
FOR SALE—New Wurlitzer guitar, first- class condition, cost $8.00, sell for $6.00; also Guitar Instructor, cost 75c; Guitar Chord Book, cost $1.00; new guitar tuner and guitar pick; all for $6.50. B 6153, 8th Block. (49)
FOR SALE—Fancy hand-painted post-cards, 5c and 10c each; also picture frames for Lorillard enlargements and other frames. B 5099, 8th Block. (42)
FOR SALE—Boys’ neatly made wheelbarrows. B 6775, 5th Gallery. (44)

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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726