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Established 2023
The Season's Greetings: A Christmas Vision
- Author: Bangs, J.K.
- Editor: B-7413
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 5
- Page Number:
- Date: 12 20 1916
- Tags:
- poetry
On Christmas Eve 'mid all the joyous glee That in my plenteousness surrounded me, I happened by some chance to turn mine eye Out through a window-wreath that hung near by. And as I glanced through it into the night I seemed to see, lit by some holy light, A childish face with wistful, smiling lips That thrilled me to my very finger-tips.
Two eager hands stretched forth called, as in stress, To me to carry help to Helplessness And in the sad eyes of that child I saw In all its loveliness the Christmas Law— Not a command, no everlasting must Upon Reluctance for its teaching thrust, But just a pleading hint to him who runs That all who suffer are God's Little Ones!
And then the picture in the wreath was gone, And in its place the Eastern Star-beams shone— The same that nineteen centuries ago Led on the Wisemen with their heavenly glow; And e'en as they I wandered through the drifts And into lowly places carried gifts To cheer, and give release, and pay my due Unto my Lord thro' them that suffer rue.
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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726