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Cultivate Will Control
- Author: Unknown
- Editor: B-7413
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 6
- Page Number:
- Date: 1 10 1917
- Tags:
- advice
- New Way
- penal pres
Cultivate Will ControlWill control is one of the most important steps in a successful life. If we accomplish that, the advance upward is assured. Many times we are put to trial by the vexatious little things which seem to come upon us at the least desirable moments-moments when our nerves are under tension from the more serious matters in life's duties. It is then, as the New Way says, that "we are tested."As the writer declares "a certain man's ways were irritating him, though there was nothing in them of my concern .."I surmounted the irritation, and my will grew thereby."Another had a spite against me and did me small hurts and ill-turns at every chance. ''I forgave him and surmounted the irritation, and my will grew by yet another step."All my surroundings were repressive and restrictive. But I could at last refuse to be oppressed or cast down by them, and thereby had my will grown yet further. '"I desired much that I could not attain. But I rose in my nature beyond the desires, banishing them again and yet again until they returned no more. And now my will was sure and promised full growth Gto godliness.''My mind was weak and unstable, but with long effort, by day and night, at meals and in duties, in study and in thinking, I mastered it so that it would hold fast upon whatever thought I would and gather for !'!le whatsoever knowledge I needed.''And my will could now tune tight all the strings of my nature, so that there was music where there had been discord, and in the peace and harmony I knew the all-presence of God."\
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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726