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Lost and For Sale Items
- Author: Multiple
- Editor: B-7413
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 6
- Page Number:
- Date: 2 14 1917
- Tags:
- classifieds
TYPEWRITING done at reasonable rates. B 7386, 3rd Block. **FOR SALE — Clothes-brushes, hairbrushes and shoe-brushes, with inlaid backs; 35¢ to $1.50. B 1381, 7th Block. (5) FOR SALE—Victrola, in good order, $15.00; records extra. B 6935, 2nd Block. (5) FOR SALE—Mandolin, in good condition, with case. Price, $2.00. B 7821, 1st Block. (5) LOST—One gray, knitted scarf, belonging to Professor Wiegandt. (5) FOR SALE—Photo watch fobs in oxidized silver, with your enlargement thereon, and everything demanded by the art trade, 95c. each. B 7648 and B 6339, 7th Gallery. (5) FOR SALE—Good mandolin in fine condition. Price, $2.50. B 7599, 4th Block. (4) FOR SALE—One new Wurlitzer rosewood guitar, first-class condition. Will sell for $4.50. B 6153, 8th Block. (6) FOR SALE—Scarfs, shawls and. tidies, made of the best Germantown wool. Prices reasonable, B 7603, 7th Block. (4) FOR SALE—Fine inlaid boxes. Prices reasonable. Also boxes, lined and polished. B 6523, 7th Block. (4) FOR SALE CHEAP—One Edison phonograph, five dozen two and four minute records. B 6198, 5th Gallery. (6) FOR SALE-Guitar Methods. Cost $1.00. Will sell for 75c. B 7906, 7th Block. (6) OLD CHAIRS made new, repaired and upholstered. B 8327, 6th Block. (6) FO SALE—Fancy pincushions made to order at reasonable prices. Strongly made, and work guaranteed. B 7898, 11th Block. (7) WANTED—To exchange a good mandolin (new strings) for a guitar. B 8114, 2nd Block. (7) FOR SALE- Guitar Instructor (new); cost $1.00 will sell for 75c. B 7906, 7th Block. (7)
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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726