Devoted to the Interests and Entertainment of its Readers
Printing in Prisons
Designed in Memory of Incarcerated Printers & Typesetters
Established 2023
The Umpire "Ad" Column
- Author: Multiple
- Editor: B-7413
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 6
- Page Number:
- Date: 2 28 1917
- Tags:
- classifieds
The Umpire "Ad" ColumnNotice for advertisements must come through your Overseer. Inmates who fail to notify THE UMPIRE office when advertised goods are sold will be denied future use of "Ad" column.TYPEWRITING done at reasonable rates. B 7386, 3rd Block. **FOR SALE-Clothes-brushes, hairbrushes and shoe-brushes, with inlaid backs; 35c to $1.50. B 1381. 7th Block. (**)FOR SALE. CHEAP-One Edison phonograph, five dozen two and four minute records. B 6198, 5th Gallery. (6)FOR SALE-Guitar Methods. Cost $1.00. Will sell for 75c. B 7906, 7th Block. (6)OLD CHAIRS made new, repaired and upholstered. B 8327, 6th Block. (6)FOR SALE-Fancy pincushions made to order at reasonable prices. Strongly made, and work guaranteed. B 7898, 11th Block. (9)FOR SALE- guitar and mandolin, in good condition. Will sell cheap. B 8332, 4th Gallery (8)FOR SALE- New Victor Victrola. Cost $15.00. Sell, with ten records, for $12.00. B 7889, 9th Block (8)FOR SALE- Forty new records for $15.00. B 6939, 2nd Block.FOR SALE- One rocking chair; high back, cane bottom; in good condition. Reasonable. B 7810, 3rd Block (9)FOR SALE- a mandolin, in good condition. Will sell, with case, for $2.00. B 7800, 1st Block. (9)WATCH FOBS-Gold filled wired, made of mother-of-pearl; also necktie pins made ofsame material. Excellent reasonable prices. Canary Bird King, B 5575, 6th Block. (9)FOR SALE = Joseph Ricketts Philadelphia 11-inch head, 22 brackets, Al tone, in good condition; a collapsible music-stand and banjo music. All for $4.00. B 7144 12th Block 1st Gallery. (9)FOR SALE-Guitar, in good condition. Will sell for $3.00. B 6260, 1st Block. (9)FOR SALE-Very fancy postcards· the only ones of their kind; 5 for 25c. B 7047, 7th Block. (9)SACRED HEARTS painted in oil colors on postcards, 5c. each. B 7648, 7th Gallery. (9)FOR SALE-Music and mandolin in good condition; loud tone. Price, $2.00. B 8024, 1st Block. (9)SUITCASES made to order. Several styles and colors and goods to select from; $3.00up. B 8231, 5th Block. (9)

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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726