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Air Castles
- Author: B-7274
- Editor: B-7413
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 6
- Page Number:
- Date: 3 28 1917
- Tags:
- advice
- editorial
AIR CASTLES There are few, if any, of us that do not build air castles, and surround them with good intentions during our stay here. Yet few builders of these castles fail to occupy them, and their good intentions were not fulfilled; And Why? Imagine a contractor of a large building having a construction that had possibly taken him a year or more to construct come to a destruction before his very eyes. Can we realize how this man felt to have this happen, and could it be possible that he would let this same thing occur again? He would most likely investigate to see what caused this destruction, and would no doubt right his wrong, and on his second attempt he would prove successful, and see the construction occupied. How many of us who have built these castles, which had taken us years to construct, have seen them fall all to pieces in a short time; and have we even investigated why they should come to this destruction? We cannot afford to let this happen very often, as it takes us too long to build such castles, and life is so short. But, like the contractor, we can avoid this, if we will look for the cause and right our wrong. Have we ever stopped to think how much easier it is to do right than do wrong; and if this be the case, why take the hard side? For an example, I had been employed at the Stocking Shed, then in operation, when the Overseer of that department called my attention to the fact that I was doing my work wrong, and in order to do this, I would make this work harder for myself, and by graphic illustration I convinced him of this being a fact. Now let us ask ourselves the question, are we going to see these castles we build with our good intentions come to this destruction, and are we going to continue to give ourselves the worst of it by doing wrong, when doing right is so much easier? Each time we fail, right the wrong and build the foundation of these castles more secure, and we shall see ourselves occupying them some day. —B 7274.
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | Terms of Use
- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726