Devoted to the Interests and Entertainment of its Readers
Printing in Prisons
Designed in Memory of Incarcerated Printers & Typesetters
Established 2023
The Umpire "Ad" Column
- Author: Multiple
- Editor: B-7413
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 6
- Page Number:
- Date: 4 4 1917
- Tags:
- classifieds
THE UMPIRE "AD" COLUMN Notice for advertisements must come through your Overseer. Inmates who fail to notify THE UMPIRE office when advertised goods are sold will be denied future use of "Ad" column. TYPEWRITING done at reasonable rates. B 7386, 3rd Block. ** FOR SALE — Clothes-brushes, hairbrushes and shoe-brushes, with inlaid backs; 35c to $1.50. B 1381, 7th Block. (**) TYPEWRITING done, at reasonable rates, in English, French, Italian, and Spanish. B 7499, 7th Gallery. (10) MUSIC arranged, transposed and copied by B 8552, 4th Block. (11) FOR SALE—Violin, in good condition and nice tune. Will sell reasonable. B 8332, 4th Block. (11) FOR SALE—Fine inlaid boxes and school companions. Prices reasonable. Large stock always on hand. B 6557, 7th Block. (12) PORTRAITS in crayon, sepia, tinted crayon, opal, etc. ; 16x20 size for $1.50; hand strippled, air brushed, and finished in every sense of the word. No chance of artist losing likeness. Work guaranteed. No money in advance, and first-class in every respect. B 6339, 7th Gallery. (12) IINLAID WORK made to order. Scroll work. Names cut from white holly. Inlaid boxes and fancy work on hand. Inlaid wood at 5c. a foot. B 7695, 7th Gallery. (12) FOR SALE—One Easy Chair (folding) and a Fancy Rug 60x30. Cheap. B 6343, 2nd Gallery, 12th Block. (12) FOR SALE—Fancy pincushions made to order at reasonable prices. Strongly made, and work guaranteed. B 7898, 11th Block. (13) FOR SALE -Sawyers banjo; 11-inch head 18-inch draft, 18 brackets, case, instructor, 3 sets of strings; $5.00. B 6986, 1st Block. LOST—Between Warden's office and 6th Block, small furniture catalogue containing memoranda of use to owner only. Please return and receive reward. B 5735, 6th Block. FOR SALE—Guitar, in good condition, with bag. Will sell at low price. B 5310, 7th Gallery. FOR SALE — Handsome English mission clocks; guaranteed movement, cathedral gong strikes every half hour. Must be seen to be appreciated. Price, $12.00. B 6316, 7th Block. SUITCASES made to order. Several styles and colors to select from. $3.00 up. B 8231, 5th Block. FOR SALE—Guitar; excellent tone; with Howard Instructor and Guckert's Chord Book. Not new, but a bargain at $1.50. B 8145, 12th Block. PICTURES, etc., framed to order. Prices reasonable. B 5023, 9th Block. GET YOUR EASTER POSTAL CARDS. Very artistic work by B 7047, 7th Block. FOR SALE—A concert guitar, in good condition, for $3.00. B 6260, 1st Block. FOR SALE—Up-to-date handbags, price $1.00 and up. They are of a fine style for Easter. B 7767, 7th Block.
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | Terms of Use
- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726