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Established 2023
The Price You Pay
- Author: Unknown
- Editor: B-7413
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 6
- Page Number:
- Date: 6 27 1917
- Tags:
- advice
It is no unusual thing to hear some one say they are not getting along as they think they should. Things don’t seem to come their way. Allowing the truth of that, suppose we consider the situation as it is.
As a beginning let us admit one stubborn fact. You are yourself and no one else. You face certain conditions and situations that you must grapple with in order to win. Remember that no one knows yourself, your peculiar make-up, or your personal requirements better than you do.
Now, brother, if you will be as honest, as open and as critical with yourself as you are disposed to be with others, you will be enabled to see the point we are aiming at without difficulty.
As a fact, I don’t believe you will need much further directing; but to make sure, it may be well to suggest that you ask yourself the following questions:
Are you willing to struggle, sacrifice, and go without if need be, for success? Are you willing to pay the price of success? If you are, there need be no doubt as to the result.
All success is simply a question of degree; likewise the effort that brings it. The question is: How much of an effort are you willing to put into the proposition? Do you look for a common, cheap success, or do you want something that will measure up well? If the latter, don’t forget that you will succeed in just that proportion to the effort you make, or in other words, the price you pay.
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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726