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Established 2023
Just Forget It
- Author: Unknown
- Editor: B-7413
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume 6
- Page Number:
- Date: 12 12 1917
- Tags:
- poetry
- advice
Forget it, my boy, forget it, That’s the very best thing you can do; It will do no good to remember Every mean thing that’s said about you. This life is too short to ‘‘get even’’ For every mean act that you know; So forget it, my boy, forget, Forget it and just let it go.
Forget it, my dear boy, forget it, For you see every knock is a lie. Be decent and never repeat, Just forget it and let it pass by. You may think that the story is funny, But to tell it you’ve nothing to gain. So if it’s a knock, just forget it. And never repeat it again.
Forget it, my dear boy, forget it, For knocking’s a mighty poor game, It never made one fellow happy, But causes much sorrow and pain. When you chance to hear some fellow knocking, If he’s knocking a friend or a foe, I want to impress this upon you, Forget it and just let it go.
Some say that a knock is a boost, boy, Forget it, for it is not so. A boost is a boost, and a knock is a knock, It’s the same wherever you go; So when you hear somebody knocking, Let him know his knock is in vain, And as soon as you hear it, forget it, And never repeat it again.
Many good men have been ruined, And many good, pure women, too, By some knocker starting a rumor And not a word of it true. So if you hear some fellow knocking A man or a woman’s good name, You can bet it’s a lie, so forget it, And never repeat it again.

- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | Terms of Use
- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726