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Which Way
- Author: Kiser, S. E.
- Editor: B-7413
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume V
- Page Number:
- Date: 2 27 1918
- Tags:
- poetry
There's a way to the right and a way to the wrong, A way for the weak and a way for the strong, And on which of these ways will your banner be shown When the new year has come and the old year has flown?
The way to the right is a way that is hard. By many a troublesome wall it is barred. But out at the end of it, over the hill, There is honor that all may share proudly who will.
The way to the wrong is a broad, easy way Where the ribald go rollicking day after day, Where the dolt and the laggard go sneering at fame, And it ends in a bog that is scummy with shame.
There's a way to the right and a way to the wrong, A way for the weak and a way for the strong, And on which of these ways will your shadow be cast When the new year begins and the old year is past?
—S. E. Kiser.
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | Terms of Use
- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726