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Printing in Prisons
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Established 2023
You'll Win If You Try
- Author: Unknown
- Editor: B-7413
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume V
- Page Number:
- Date: 3 13 1918
- Tags:
- advice
It goes without saying that some men have the push-ahead germ well developed at an early age, while others seem seriously lacking in that essential, which counts for so much in our path of life. Perhaps no better example could be shown to illustrate that point than the following account of a young Swede who came to this country only a few years ago, a stranger in a strange land, with practically no money and no friends to give him help or counsel. Today he has a good business and a number of prominent business men as his friends, and itissaid that his bank account amounts to a substantial sum.
In talking over the business prospects in this country recentily, the young man was asked how he succeeded so quickly, and why many customers were to be found at hisstore, while others in his line of trade were complaining. His answer came quickly, ‘‘Because I try to send every customer away pleased and satisfied. If I haven’t just what he wants then I’ll order it for him.”
That would seem to be the point summed up in few words. He tries to please and to satisfy his trade. How much lies back of that for all to heed. Any man who makes a practice of doing thatin his line of work is bound to succeed.
A popular trade journal recently queried of its readers: Don’t you think if you made every effort your best, and each effort better than the last, the result would be a veritable gold mine? Of course to that question there is but one answer, and that is in the affirmative.
If all of us would take that lesson to heart, how much easier it would be to get along in this world of ups and downs. It is the little things that count for so much in our daily efforts to make ends meet. If we could only see this in time, how many of us would at least be on the road to success, instead of a misfit or an object of another’s pity.
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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726