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Printing in Prisons
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Established 2023
By Your Own Efforts
- Author: Unknown
- Editor: B-7413
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume V
- Page Number:
- Date: 3 27 1918
- Tags:
- advice
Many young men start out in life by looking for the road that leads to quick success; but they fail to find it, and wonder how they missed the way. The reason is easy enough to fathom. They didn’t start in the right way. Quick success in life comes only to very few, and the average man is not willing to begin in a small way where the path seems difficult. That’s the first mistake, and there follow many others, all equally inconsistent.
Any successful man will tell you ‘that it’s work from the start, if you expect to get anywhere in this world of hustle. And there is but little pay at the outset. Nevertheless every man who climbs to the high places, is obliged to bear his part of the burden with a cheerful disposition before he reaches the heights of his desires.
Many will not listen when told that. They gee some other fellow who is holding a good position with a big business firm, and straightway they think they can make it by a flying start. This usually results in a decided bump against the ‘‘real thing,’’ and they find it’s ‘‘not all gold that glitters;” the other fellow must have had some inside track to land where he is, they think.
Now that’s another mistake. The fellow holding the big job almost invariably was the man who was willing to begin at the bottom, not counting his work hard if it brought him nearer his goal.
Don’t ever think that you will ever get anywhere by ‘‘going through the motions” or looking at the clock. Your work will show if you do, and there will be no one to blame but yourself if you are among the first to go when there is a lay-off.
Business is now so organized that every man’s work must show for itself, and the man who makes a poor showing can never expect to rise if he continues his work in a half-hearted way. With interest in his work and faith in himself, no matter though the way be a little rough at times, a man is bound to win the way to brighter and better things if he will only hold out out until things turn his way. Then things will come easier at every step.
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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726