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Established 2023
The Spirit of McKentyville
- Author: Unknown
- Editor:
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume V
- Page Number:
- Date: 5 15 1918
- Tags:
- poetry
'Tis the Spirit that maketh alive, and never the Letter; You may dot each I in the Law, and yet be debtor; There’s the more than the ‘‘making good,” there’s the making better. You may cleanse yourself of your stain, of your streak of yellow; But after you’re helped yourself, will you give your fellow, A helping hand. a cheering word, and a smile that’s mellow? To think but the best of yourself, as of men in the making; Of the goal that lieth ahead, of the day that is breaking; To smile and be cheerful still, tho the heart be aching. To let not the battle be lost for the lack of the trying; Was there ever a battle was won just by moping, and sighing? 'Tis only the brave, and the steadfast in heart that take no denying. To strive, with tireless hands, and an iron will, To fashion a future good, from a by-gone ill; Is not this the Spirit of McKentyville?

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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726