Devoted to the Interests and Entertainment of its Readers
Printing in Prisons
Designed in Memory of Incarcerated Printers & Typesetters
Established 2023
See Hoover
- Author: Unknown
- Editor:
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume V
- Page Number:
- Date: 5 22 1918
- Tags:
- poetry
On bended knee, the housewife begs; "I pray you, but one dozen eggs!” The grocer’s cheeks with tears are wet, His voice is wild with all regret; “I’ve sold you two, if more you’d get, See Hoover!”
‘‘See you this gold? These yellow-backs? O Mr. Butcher, take your axe, And cut me but one T-bone steak!’’ Scarce could the butcher reply make; “You’ve had your share, if more you’d take, See Hoover!”
“A dozen rolls, in charity! An old friend’s dropping into tea; Or give me but one loaf of bread.’’ The baker sadly shakes his head, “You’ve had your loaf, for more,’’ he said, ‘‘See Hoover!”
“Here, bar-keep’, set ’em up again!’’ And down he slaps another ‘‘ten;” A tear is in the bar-keep’s eye, In accents sad he makes reply; “You’ve had one drink, if more you’d buy, See Hoover!’’
“Waiter, another helping, please, And bring me just a bit of cheese,’’ The waiter cries, ‘‘Alas! M’sieu’, Your card’s been punched. What can I do? If you would eat a meal for two, See Hoover!”

- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | Terms of Use
- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726