Devoted to the Interests and Entertainment of its Readers
Printing in Prisons
Designed in Memory of Incarcerated Printers & Typesetters
Established 2023
The Umpire "Ad" Column
- Author: Unknown
- Editor:
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume V
- Page Number:
- Date: 5 22 1918
- Tags:
- classifieds
Notice for advertisements must come through your Overseer. Inmates who fail to notify THE UMPIRE office when advertised goods are sold will be denied future use of “Ad” column.
FOR SALE — Clothes-brushes, hair-brushes and shoe-brushes, with inlaid backs; 85¢ to $1.50. B 1381, 7th Block.
TYPEWRITING —Done at reasonable rates. B 7386, 3rd Block.
TYPEWRITING—Done at reasonable prices and work guaranteed. B 7695, 6th Gallery.
TEACHING—Mandolin and Guitar; 50c per month. B 7065, 1st Block.
FOR SALE—One clarinet and mandolin. Will sell reasonable. B 6452, 1st Block.
LOOK—First-class pin-cushion shoes for sale. Price, 75¢. B 5036, 6th Block.
FOR SALE-—Patriotic watch fobs of U. S. and allied nations. Samples on hand. Call, B 6450, 1st Block.
FOR SALE—Pincushions, children’s furni- ture, ladies work boxes and jewel boxes. All kinds of novelties for sale. B 8203, 6th B.
PICTURE framing of mission wood and any dimension. Also inlaid and overlaid frames. All work guaranteed. B 8016, 9th Block.
WANTED—Shears and scissors to sharpen at 5¢ a pair. Satis. guaranteed. B9019, 10 B.
UMBRELLAS—repaired and covered. B8821, 8th Block.
FOR SALE—A good strong rocking-chair. Going out soon. B 3043, 6 Block.
FOR SALE—Violin, $3.50. B 9057, 10 B.
FOR SALE—A McFarland banjo, with case and instructor. Will sell reasonable. B6451, 1st Block.
FOR SALE—Lady’s guitar. B 5449, 1st B. BE AN expert stenographer. Excellent opportunity to learn Isaac Pitman’s 20th Century style. B 8501, 6th Block.
BIRTHDAY and scenery oil-painted post-cards; 10c and 15c each. Also oil-painted sacred hearts; 5c each.
FOR SALE—Victor talking-machine with 50 records. Price $8.00. B 9043, 11th Block.
FOR SALE—An accordion in the best of condition. Almost new. Double keys. B 5313, 6th Block.
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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726