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Answer The Drum Beat!
- Author: Unknown
- Editor:
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume V
- Page Number:
- Date: 6 19 1918
- Tags:
- poetry
- patriotism
Is it a time for idle games, And sporting on the green? What if the morrow, squire of dames, You see the bright swords gleam? How will it serve you in that day, Who triumph now in love, or play? Coward, and weakling—Ilest they say — Answer the drum-beat!
Is it a time for eloquence? Will phrasing win your fight? Americarns; Unto your tents! Make you your armor bright. Fools are they all who prate of peace: The flood of war can but increase, Until all armed dominion cease. Answer the drum beat!
Is it a time for festal cheer, In dalliance to be sped? Bethink you that the hour draws near, When you shall see your dead. What know you of the battle-hell, Where men die torn of shot, and shell? You—who dance the tango well, Answer the drum-beat!
Is it a time to know alone, Old ties of blood, and birth? Here you have made your hearth, and home; Here must you prove your worth. Saxon, Teuton, and Slav no more; Americans first! In peace, or war; Brothers! What are you waiting for? Answer the drum-beat!
Is it a time to stand, and wait, Knowing your country’s need? Knowing the foeman’s at your gate; Knowing the world’s to feed. There’s a place for you in the battle-line; There’s a place for you in field, or mine; There’s a place for you—and today’s the time. Answer the drum-beat!

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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726