Devoted to the Interests and Entertainment of its Readers
Printing in Prisons
Designed in Memory of Incarcerated Printers & Typesetters
Established 2023
Somewhere in Georgia
- Author: Unknown
- Editor:
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume V
- Page Number:
- Date: 9 11 1918
- Tags:
- poetry
- racist
Yo’ kin talk about yo’ peaches, on de tree, or in de can, : Yo, kin talk about yo’ possum fat, yo’ bacon, an’ yo’ ham, ~ But de Lawd made watahmilyun fo’ de culluhd gentilman, An dis niggah bo’n right wheah de milyun grows!
He made de nigguh’s skull so thick to bust de 'milyun’ paht, He made de nigguh’s mouth so wide to git de bettah staht, He made de nigguh’s lips so red to match de ’milyun’s haht, Oh, de 'milyun’shaht am mighty - lak’ a rose!
De white fo’ks am de beatinest! It puzzles dis yere coon, Jus’ why dey wants to slice ’em up, an’ eat ’em with a spoon, Dey aint no tas’ to ’em dat way. Dey might ’swell nevah grew ’em, Oh, de white fo’ks am to careful of dey clo’es!
De place to eat a 'milyun, am right wheah de milyuns grow, Fo’ it sho’ do tas’ moon am gittin low, An’ de dew it am a fallin’, an’ de ’'milyun cooled jus’ so. An’ yo' settinv dah between de 'milyun rows!
De way to eat a milyun? Does I have to tell yo’ dat? Wuz yo’ bo’n in Gawgy, wheah wuz yo’ bo’n at? Why, yo’ bust dat ,milyun open, an’ yo’ jus’ take off yo’ hat. Yo’ bet yo’ life dat dis yere nigguh knows!
Dis nigguh’s suah dat Hebben am a watah- milyun patch, De angels in white aperns, an’ upon de lateh, Waitin’ fo’ to serve dis nigguh wid de finest of de batch, An’ dat am wheah dis migguh hopes he goes!
- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | Terms of Use
- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726