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Established 2023
The Woman's Part
- Author: B-8266
- Editor: B-8266
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume V
- Page Number:
- Date: 10 30 1918
- Tags:
- poetry
- patriotism
"Killed in action" the message read: And they had been but one year wed- A brief accompanying word of praise; A medal for the neighbor's gaze.
She could not picture him as dead, His farewell kisses thrilled her yet- "He was so glad of life." she said. And knowing that her eyes were wet, For very pride of that she read, How he had led the wild onset; Falling as the foemen fled, Dead on their utmost parapet.
That day there echoes down the street, The trampling of the homing feet, There will be none for her to greet. Her vengeance rises like a flame: Surely they ask not God in vain, That He should champion the weak?- "God give thim to the eagle's beak!"
His face smiles on her from the wall; His son it is upon her knee He was so gallant, strong, and tall, And never more his face to see! She reads the meaning of it all; The weary years that are to be: And says, "Nor any spring, nor fall, Shall ever bring him back to me.
Remembering a world to save, From arch-dominion of the knave, The woman's part is to be brave.
B. 8266. It has been our policy to avoid the lime-light, but we are forced to emerge from our deserved (?) obscurity, having lately been accused of plagiarism; which we at first thought was a disease, but on consulting Webster found to be a mild form of Klepto- Henceforth we shall attach our ’moniker’’ to such atrocities in verse as we may be really guilty of perpetrating, and as for the rest we shall blame them on their respective authors if the guilty parties are known, ifnot they must go uncredited, we re- fuse to longer bear the entire blame.
Having thus divested ourself of the veil of anonymity which has hitherto shielded us, we beg of you, brother gentlemen of the "pen", that you will fire first! THE EDITOR

- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | Terms of Use
- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726