Devoted to the Interests and Entertainment of its Readers
Printing in Prisons
Designed in Memory of Incarcerated Printers & Typesetters
Established 2023
The Umpire "Ad" Column
- Author: Unknown
- Editor:
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume V
- Page Number:
- Date: 12 11 1918
- Tags:
- classifieds
- notice
- printing
- The Umpire
THE UMPIRE "AD" COLUMN Notice for advertisements must come through your Overseer. Inmates who fail to notify THE UMPIRE office when advertised goods are sold will be denied future use of "Ad" column.FOR SALE — Clothes-brushes, hairbrushes and shoe-brushes, with inlaid backs; 35¢ to $5.00. B 1381, 7th Block. (**) ELECTRIC TREATMENT—For all the various forms of Alopecia (falling hair) Dandruff etc. High-Frequency and Violet Ray treatments for facial defects of any description, B 6533, 7th. Gal. FOR SALE—Inlaid boxes. Will sell cheap. B 9177, 1st Block. FOR SALE One stocking machine and ribber 140 needle machines brand new will sell cheap B 7965 7 Block PATRIOTIC— Watch fobs of beads for sale. B 7599, 4th Block. FOR SALE—Pin cushion shoes, B 7362, 6 B. FOR SALE—150 American bead flags, and 3 pairs of slippers. B 6343 12 B 2d Gallery. FOR SALE—Pin cushion shoes, price 75 cents a pair, B 9215 6 Block. BIRDS FOR SALE—Fine singers and good colors. Going out soon. B 7507 3rd B. J-1 CLOSING OUT—Beaded Bags, Fobs, Belts, Patterns, Jewelers Jig Drill, Tools; Flag Pins, Shields Humidors, and trays. B 8023, 1st Block. LISTEN—Your razor put in first class condition. Razors honed, ground full, hollow, or half concave. I specialize in this line B 7452, 8th Block. All kinds of polishing done, Inlaid Boxes, Tables, etc. reasonable. 9005, 7th Gallery. Birds For Sale—male and female also cages B 9070 7th Block. TRAY HANDLES—25c a set or $2.75 per dozen. Also tray frames, hand inlaid, $1.00 B 3079, 1st Block. CLOCKS, WATCHES—Repaired, bought, and sold, by B 8907, 5th Gallery.TYPEWRITING—Personal and business letters, stories, dramas, photoplays, also corrected at reasonable rates. B-8993, 10th Block. EXPERT BEAD WORKERS WANTED— Also Hardware, Locks, Hinges, etc. for sale. B 9152, 11th. Block. FOR SALE—Jumping Jacks, 0.85 cents each, B 3847, 7 Block. FOR SALE—Inlaid boxes, also trays in walnut oak. Prices reasonable. B 6523 7 Block. NOTICE Inmates who have previous experience in printing establishments and who have yet two years or more to do and who would like to follow up this trade, may send in their numbers to the Chaplain.
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- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726