Devoted to the Interests and Entertainment of its Readers
Printing in Prisons
Designed in Memory of Incarcerated Printers & Typesetters
Established 2023
- Author: Unknown
- Editor:
- Newspaper: The Umpire volume V
- Page Number:
- Date: 12 25 1918
- Tags:
- poetry
- religious
God gives us joy that we may give. He gives us love that we may share. Sometimes he gives us loads to lift. That we may learn to bear. For life is gladder when we give. And love is sweeter when we share. And heavy loads rest lightly too. When we have learned to bear. Oh let us all when we commence, To slander friend or foe, Think of the harm one word may do, To those we little know. Remember curses sometimes like, Our chickens must "roost at home," Don't speak of other faults until, We have none of our own.

- CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 | Terms of Use
- DOI 10.58117/2x7t-s726